The following is a message from James, who asked that we share his story:
This was a very personal loss for me as I lived with two of those lost in that tragic crash, CW2 Clint Prather and SGT Spivey, for almost a month during my deployment to Iraq during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM I. We were stationed in Al Asad supporting the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment with a four-helicopter detachment for most of the latter half of 2003.

These two Soldiers epitomized selfless service. Clint was incredibly good- natured and somehow able to bring humor to almost any situation. He made the year long deployment infinitely more bearable. SGT Spivey was a mechanic who volunteered to be a door gunner during the deployment and later made the transition to Crew Chief.

I also knew CW2 Ayala who worked on our rear detachment and welcomed us home from Iraq. He had finished flight school too late to deploy.
Although I did not know the other two crew members personally, I have no doubt they exhibited the same personal courage and commitment to selfless-service as every other aircrew member I have had the honor to serve with in my 26 year career. The 13 passengers they carried on board were from the 25th Infantry Division. They were scheduled to redeploy following an arduous year in combat in Afghanistan.
Even though I was no longer with Big Windy when the crash occurred, I was with them in spirit, having spent the previous year helping the Brigade put together deployment and high altitude training to try to prepare them for the dangerous and unforgiving mountains of Afghanistan. I will always think there was something else I could have done.
Our former Commander, MAJ Craig Wilhelm, established the Windy25 Memorial Fund and started the Windy25 Memorial 5K, an annual race in Las Vegas to honor the memory and sacrifice of the crew, while raising money for an amazing organization, the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS). TAPS has connected over 90,000 family members who have lost a loved one during military service to the grief and counseling services they needed. Even more important, TAPS connect them to peers who can understand what they are going through, fellow survivors who have endured the same loss.
This is the fifth year of the race and the tenth year the Big Windy family will gather to remember and celebrate the lives of the crew and passengers of Windy25. In that time, the run has raised over $130,000 for TAPS.
I hope you will consider donating to this worthwhile supporting not only the troops but also the families and the loved ones of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
All of the proceeds generated from this race – including your $35 registration fee – will benefit T.A.P.S., a national non-profit organization providing compassionate care for those struggling with the loss of someone who proudly served in the military. Please visit for additional information on the incredible service TAPS provides for the families of our fallen heroes.
If you can make it to Las Vegas, I hope you will consider running with us in the memory of Windy25. The race will start on the strip in front of the Cosmopolitan. The race will take place on March 28th from 7:30 – 8:30am at the Las Vegas Blvd. pedestrian sidewalk entrance of the Cosmopolitan. There will be an award ceremony and an after party poolside on the roof of the casino for runners and families afterwards.
Please consider running or if you can’t make it, running in a shadow run where ever you live…or consider making a donation to TAPS through my link below. If you are in town, sign up to run on my team, the Frenzied Finishers (through the link below). I weigh 248 pounds so my run time will certainly not be a personal record. I am looking forward to seeing a lot of old friends.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. It means a lot to me and to many of the families and friends of the crew of Windy25. I hope to see you in Las Vegas!