Originally published June 9, 2014
Are you the spouse or parent of a Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, or Coastie?
Perhaps you are still “learning the ropes” as a military wife, or maybe you are the proud mother of a service member in search of information and support. If either is true, or if you are a seasoned military spouse or parent with suggestions and tips for those new to military life, then this website is for you!
Who We Are and What We Do
We are a community of military wives and moms sharing support, advice, information and inspiration. Our blogging team is made up of a multi-talented group of writers who also happen to be military spouses, former military spouses, and/or parents of active duty service members.
HH6 Camo Chix was founded by Ann Medlin, a seasoned military wife who has made it her mission to share what she knows and to offer her support to other military families, especially those new to military life. She knows only too well what it is like to move every couple of years, make new friends, help the kids adjust to a new school and community, and reinvent herself professionally.
Our goal is to provide an easy-to-navigate website with links to information and resources, including links to other blogs, websites, and social media pages that are directly related to the topics military spouses and parents of service members. We strive to make our articles and posts informative, inspirational, entertaining and engaging, and make a concerted effort to connecting our readers with relevant articles and posts from other online publishers
Our Audience
The content on the HH6 Camo Chix website is targeted to military wives and the mothers of active duty service members. As anyone who has scoured the web for military family and parenting blogs or social media pages will undoubtedly agree, (and studies will confirm,) women tend to be the more avid consumers of social media and blogging
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Our primary target audience is women, but much of the content we provide is relevant to all military spouses and parents (women and men), as well as family and friends of service members and active-duty and retired service members.
Why HH6 Camo Chix, ™ and What’s With the Red Shoes?
In the world of military acronyms, the term “HH6” translates to “household commander,” the designation given to military spouses.
Our logo is a pair of red stiletto shoes (we’ll get to the story behind them shortly.) Our logo is red, for the special love a woman holds in her heart for a husband or child serving in the military. The hint of camo represents the strength, courage and comraderey military wives and moms find in one-another.
The inspiration for our red-shoe logo came to HH6 Camo Chix ™ founder, Ann Medlin, while she was recovering from an injury that left her working her way from wheelchair to walker and then a cane.
“Sometimes, to help me work through the pain of therapy,” Ann explains, “I think about the cute shoes I’ll wear again one day, and that’s how our logo came to be. I was designing shoes in my head, and suddenly I knew exactly what the perfect pair would look like.”
Ann no longer needs her cane, and with ongoing physical therapy, she hopes to one day recover fully and trade in her “sensible” shoes for a very special pair of red-stiletto heels.
Those red stilettos , Ann says, are much more to her than a pair of shoes. They represent the success that comes from setting a goal, reaching for it, and then claiming it for her own.
“With the prayers and support of others,” Ann says, “I know I can achieve anything I set out to do, and so can you!”
Click here to meet the HH6 Camo Chix blogging team.