As Military Appreciation Month draws to an end, we’d like to share this awesome infographic by outlining the demographics of military families. We’ve also shared a little about the My website, an excellent resource for military families and parents of service members wondering  about a particular military baseContinue Reading

If your spouse is planning to separate from active military service sometime in the next year, it is recommended that you begin planning for the transition one year out, and if you are looking at retirement, that planning start even sooner – a good two years before the planned retirementContinue Reading

Our post, like many military facilities, has lodging and a snack bar for incoming/outgoing families, and I stopped at ours the other day to pick up lunch to drop off for my husband.

While waiting for my order, I took a seat alongside a mother and her child, a little girl of no more than three or four years who kept meeting my eyes with hers as she cozied up to her mother’s side.
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