School is out and the temps are rising! Kids all around are craving their favorite summertime treat, ICE POPS!!! Unfortunately, most of these frozen treats, even those that claim to be “All Fruit” are loaded with artificial coloring, refined sugar and preservatives. If you’re anything like me, these three words make you cringe! However, there is no need to fret; I have an easy, much healthier and oh so delicious alternative to these cool treats: homemade smoothie ice pops! Now, many also cringe and sigh when they hear “homemade” because the word implies work! Ha!! Well, these pops are actually quite easy to make and I guarantee your body and conscience will thank you and you’ll feel much better serving this alternative to your family and friends!
Items Needed to Make Your All Natural Smoothie Ice-Pops
- Ice Pop molds: There are many to choose from, but do look for molds that are BPA Free. Some brands will even freeze your pops in under ten minutes!
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- Blender: Any blender can do the job, but some are better than others at turning out smoothies without a lot of chunks. If you happen to be in the market for a new blender, consider one with enough power to blend smooth and creamy – preferably one that has many uses beyond making smoothies – and check for a good warranty. Do your homework before heading out to the store; check product reviews by trusted sources such as this review of 38 blenders done by the Good Housekeeping Research Institute.
- Your Favorite healthy Ice Pop Ingredients
While there are plenty of detailed recipes that list exact measurements for healthy, all natural smoothie pops, I simply use what I have on hand while sticking to a few basic, easy-to-follow steps:
1. Add desired liquid to blender. I prefer most, if not ALL, of the liquid ingredients to consist of water. Sometimes I will add just a splash of 100% juice or fresh citrus. I prefer lemon or lime juice as they add a boost of flavor and also help digest food.
2. Add at least one dark leafy green. Leafy greens are a great addition to your diet and offer countless health benefits. They are full of vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting phytochemicals and they are rich in fiber as well. And let’s not forget that leafy greens also contain a lot of water, which helps keep you hydrated and contributes to beautiful skin and hair. Without a doubt, the health benefits of leafy greens are endless!

My favorite two leafy greens for smoothies are kale and spinach! If your kids (and husband!) are like mine, they will not eat nutrient packed kale alone; however, if I blend it into a smoothie with other healthy flavors, they consume it like it’s going out of style! Some have even argued that our bodies can absorb four times as many nutrients in greens from smoothies compared to raw greens. This logic makes sense as the blender does the chewing for us and makes the nutrients easier and faster to fully digest.
3. Add fresh fruit. My summertime favorite is watermelon! According to National Geographic, watermelon soothes sore muscles, helps heart health, could be a natural Viagra, is rich in vitamins and minerals, but low in calories, is a natural diuretic, and could even combat certain types of cancer.
4. Add ice and/or frozen fruit. My two favorites are strawberries and mangoes! Scientists believe strawberries help burn stored fat, boost short term memory, are low in calories but high in fiber, ease inflammation, lower cardiovascular disease, promote bone health, prevent some forms of cancer, contain anti-aging properties, and promote eye health. Mangoes have an amazing taste and also possess many health attributes. They are believed to prevent many forms of cancer, lower cholesterol, clear skin, promote eye health, alkalize the entire body, help patients with diabetes, improve digestion, remedy heat stroke and boost the immune system.
5. Blend until smooth, pour into ice pop molds and freeze!

Next time your kids beg for a cool treat at the grocery store or from the ice cream truck cruising the neighborhood, assure them you can create much tastier and healthier ice pops at home. Better yet, involve them in the process. Show them how to pick out the ingredients and let them help create their own yummy, healthy treats. You’ll feel great about setting a healthy foundation for your family while still enjoying the great taste of summer!
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